Tired of dull looking skin? MicroMassage might be your answer!
Introducing the Microdermabrasion, Massage with Ann style! If you're familiar with this exfoliation treatment then you'll know that to add a massage into the experience gives the treatment a whole new meaning. What is involved in the Microdermabrasion treatment? One of the easiest, safest and most effective anti ageing, exfoliation and skin enhancing treatments, with very little downtime and with my twist on the treatment, I can assure you no harmful chemicals are used during the process. Yes there are other 'resurfacing' skin treatments out there that work wonders, however some of the new trends require the skin to be anaesthetised. Mmm, I'd prefer the natural, less invasive method thanks! The diamond tip attachment exfoliates away the unwanted dead skin cells leaving your skin feeling smooth, clean and revitalised. Treating specific concerns for example, pigmentation or breakouts may be reduced after a few consistent sessions. Microdermabrasion can be performed not only on the face but other body parts too including the hands and back. Why Bentonite Clay? Composed of ash made from volcanos there is no surprise that the 'healing clay' has many benefits and uses. Sometimes taken internally for heavy metal detoxification protecting the body from disease, the external use plays a huge role by binding the negatively charged ions of the clay to bacteria living on the surface of the skin (positively charged ions) reducing inflammation, reducing outbreaks of blemishes, giving the skin a natural antibiotic to calm, promote healing, cleanse and restore. Therefore mixed with water creates a great masque (I have been known to use apple cider vinegar instead of water but it might sting a bit too much after a Micro)! Lets not forget about relaxing into my hands for the massage. After all the massage is the best bit! Covering shoulders neck face and scalp. All infused with hot towels and essential oils, it is possible to experience a relaxing microdermabrasion! The oils are extremely soothing therefore reducing any redness that usually follows after the treatment. Strengthening the skin is vitally important and the natural plant derived oils will encourage the skin to develop its natural protection, enhancing collagen and elasticity production. You'll feel and see the benefits straight away.
I am not going to sell you products or push any retail, nor am i going to pick and squeeze at your skin; that sort of thing is totally against my belief of being a therapist, however I will encourage a simplistic skin care regime that involves chemical free ingredients which is quick, easy and suitable for all skin types to assist in strengthening, repairing and protecting your largest living organ. Go the MicroMassage

For $80 relax into the Deluxe Micro, includes Oil Cleanse, Micro, Massage, Mask & Protection.
In the Autumn months purchase TWO @ $160 and receive a Standard Micro for FREE valued at $50.